Office based positions

Do you have a passion for children and sport and want to use your skills in this sector?

Kings Recruit are always looking to place motivated and able individuals with companies in the UK and abroad. Have a look at our office-based opportunities and register with us to be considered.

Kings Camps worker in South AfricaAfter a 2-year graduate training programme in the hospitality sector, I was offered an opportunity to completely change my career direction. I’d known of Kings Recruit because I’d studied PE at university and had clocked up a number of sports coaching hours. The opportunity to combine my management and coaching experience was one I couldn’t turn down, so I took a risk and headed to Johannesburg. 5-years on my life is now very different! I’m working at director level within a demanding role, but I’m really enjoying life and I’m glad I’m here.
Nick Brushett, Director of Operations

Having worked for over 10-years in commercial organisations I was ready to do something different. 2 years ago I moved into the charitable sector via Kings Recruit. It’s been a huge change for me but one I don’t regret! I’ve found working in the childcare sector to be challenging but highly rewarding, it’s been good for me, good for my family and ultimately I believe my work is making a difference.
Christine Buxton, Head of Finance & Operations, Non-Profit in the Childcare Sector